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Forget ‘quiet quitting’. Transform your job with “quiet thriving”

What is the meaning of ‘quiet thriving’ and how can it benefit your career?

Forget ‘quiet quitting’. Transform your job with “quiet thriving”

You might’ve heard the term ‘quiet quitting.’ It’s that point where you lose all hope and motivation in your job. And instead of quitting, you just do the bare minimum. You forget about ‘going the extra mile’ and just do what you need to get your next paycheck. 

But wait. Have you heard the term ‘quiet thriving’? No? 

Well if you’re feeling fed up in your career you might want to listen up. Help is on the way.

What’s the difference between ‘quiet quitting’ and ‘quiet thriving’?

“Quiet quitters” and “quiet thrivers” share one thing in common: at one point, both workers lost the motivation for their job. But where quitters continue to give up on their job, thrivers flip the script. Quiet thrivers switch their outlook and actively look for ways to become more engaged in their job. Their aim is to bring back the enjoyment and career satisfaction rather than handing in your resignation.

5 steps to quiet thriving in 2023 and beyond

Work on your mindset

Before you take any of these steps, start with this one. Make a conscious decision to embrace your job. When you wake up each morning, get excited about the different opportunities your job presents. How can you improve your skills? What can you add to your CV? How can you impress your boss with this latest project? Make a decision to start seizing opportunities.

Get in touch with your long-term goals

Sometimes we get bored of our jobs because we’re lacking ambition. But the only thing we need to do is reconnect with our long-term career aims. When we do this, we start looking at our current job differently. It’s no longer just a job. But it’s a career step. Suddenly you start seeing how your job is getting you closer to your long-term goals. And voila, and your passion is reignited.

Set boundaries

Jobs always come with pressure and challenges. But where some people go wrong is they try to do it all. They sacrifice themselves to meet the demands of their job. Make no doubt about it, this WILL lead to burnout. So bring some healthy boundaries into your job. Make sure you finish work on time. Don’t check your emails out of office hours. Make sure you take your full lunch break. Say ‘no’ to requests when you’re busy. Boundaries aren’t always easy to assert. But anyone who wants a happy career needs to learn to do this.

Get a little closer to your colleagues

Your colleagues are a huge part of your experience at work. When you have poor relationships with your colleagues, it impacts your emotional wellbeing. But having friends and people you can rely on will transform your working day. So start forming relationships with the people you work with. Take a lunch break together. Ask their opinion on a project you’re working on. Offer them a helping hand. This will bring more enjoyment to your job.

Embrace your life outside of work

Everyone needs time off from work. And that doesn’t mean just lying on the couch watching TV in the evenings. You need to take time to do the things you love. Don’t let your life just be about your work. Create a work-life balance. When you take time to enjoy your hobbies, your career thrives too. You function better. You don’t feel so drained. So never forget to do you!

Turn a new leaf

Even though you’re in the same job, you can create a totally different experience. You can have a job you love. You can look forward to work everyday. You can feel accomplished. And it’s all in the power of your mind.

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