Since the start of the pandemic, video interviews have become a common part of the hiring process. This is particularly common for people applying for remote jobs where it can be much more convenient to interview online. But online interviewing is a completely different ball game and can be even more nerve-wracking than a regular interview. So, follow our video interview tips to learn how to stand out:
- Get the lighting right
- Minimise disturbances
- Use body language
- Look into the camera
- Carry out a test run
- Dress smartly
- Practise practise practise
- Prepare questions
How to stand out in a video interview
Get the lighting right
With face-to-face interviews, you never had to think about lighting. But a video interview is different! It’s really important to nail your lighting in a video interview so the hiring managers can see you clearly. For the best lighting, set yourself up in a well lit room, either facing a window or with lamps shining in your direction.
Minimise disturbances
Online interviewing can be difficult if you live with other people or have pets. Try to find a space where you won’t be disturbed, and also make sure your phone and laptop notifications are on silent.
Use body language
Since you won’t have the benefit of meeting the interviewer in person, you have to put extra effort into your body language to compensate and make the interview more engaging. During the video interview, be sure to use your hands when talking, speak with a smile and avoid putting your hands on your face.
Use a desktop/laptop
Always opt for a desktop or laptop for online interviews instead of using your phone. Using a mobile phone can poorly effect the quality of the call for both you and the interviewer. You’ll also want to make sure your laptop is placed on a flat, steady surface (not your lap!) so the camera doesn’t shake.
Look into the camera
In an online interview, it’s easy to just end up looking at the people on the screen. But you want to create as much ‘eye contact’ as possible during the interview to engage the hiring managers. To do this, make sure your eyes don’t drift around the room, and look into the camera as often as possible, especially when you’re speaking.
Carry out a test run
A lot of technical errors can happen during a video interview. That’s why it’s always a good idea to carry out a test run before the real interview. Make sure the lighting and angle look good, the software is fully updated and you know how to confidently navigate the tech.
Dress smartly
Although you may only be sitting in your living room, you still need to act as though you’re attending an in-person interview. That means dressing the part! Wear your best interview attire because first impressions count… even online!
Practise practise practise
You can’t always predict every interview question, but you can look up the most common interview questions and answers. So before your interview, make sure you practise answering these questions, and always include an example in your answer to make it even more powerful.
Prepare questions
Hiring managers love it when you ask questions. It shows you’re engaged and are taking the opportunity seriously. So always prepare a list of questions to ask the interviewer at the end of the interview to finish on a strong note.
Lights, camera, interview!
Video interviews can feel daunting, especially if you’ve not done many before. But just like any other interview, the more you practise and prepare, the more confident you’re going to feel. Are you ready? It’s time to take the stage!