Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council
Principal Job PurposeResponsible to: Assistant Team Manager
Responsible for: Ensuring Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council delivers an effective and efficient Independent Living service in line with the Living Independently in Blaenau Gwent in the 21st Century strategy.
Independent Living Officers are expected to support and motivate staff to deliver a personalised service, in partnership with service users. They are responsible for ensuring the service enables individuals to maximise their independence, achieve their agreed outcomes and meet CSSIW domiciliary care standards.
Principal Accountabilities-
To comply with the relevant sections of the Authority?s policy statement on Health, Safety and Welfare at Work.
To adhere to the principles of the Corporate Equality Policy and ensure commitment to anti-discriminatory practice.
To ensure compliance with CSSIW Standards and Regulations.
To understand and implement Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council?s Policies.
To provide information, advice and support to service users and their families, relating to the provision of the Home Care Service
In partnership with service users and staff, to oversee and continually monitor service provision, ensuring the principles of independence are achieved.
To ensure all risk assessments are carried out in relation to both carer and service users and that the assessment are regularly checked and updated where necessary.
To take a multi-disciplinary approach to case management and attend case conferences/joint reviews. To work with Care management staff to identify, deliver and monitor appropriate support plans that reflect individual service users? outcomes.
To identify and co-ordinate the involvement of specialist services such as District Nurse; Therapy staff; Continence Advisor; Community Psychiatric Nurse; Housing staff; social worker etc, where appropriate for the service user.
To review the effectiveness of support with the service user and staff, in meeting the agreed outcomes, ensuring staff act in a respectful and compassionate manner at all times.
11 To promote and maintain a safe working environment for both staff and service users. Be aware of and implement the Protection of Vulnerable Adults policies and procedures, taking the appropriate action where safeguarding concerns have been identified.
12 To monitor and supervise support staff; to undertake annual appraisal and performance coaching with staff, where appropriate.
13 To ensure staff successfully completes induction training in line with the Social Care Induction Training and the Code of Conduct adopted by Blaenau Gwent Social Service Department and that appropriate probationary reports are completed.
14 To be responsible for effective communication with carers through team meetings; one to one support and group learning opportunities, in order to ensure effective feedback from staff and continuous improvement of the service.
15 To attend mandatory supervision and Performance Reviews with Assistant Team Manager and attend Team Meetings.
16 To be competent in using IT skills as a means of communication (emails), record keeping (Care Free, DRAIG;) and report writing.
17 To contribute to the Department and service annual Business Plan
18 To be aware of budgetary constraints of the service, ensuring effective use of all resources, both human and physical.
19 To assist the Assistant Team Manager/Manager of the service, in the investigation of complaints.
To work with the Duty Planners with regard to the allocation of work to Carers.
To undertake office duty 7 days a week, 7am to 11pm.