If you’re a real ideas marketer, this company could be the perfect place for you. They’re a well-established business but have a really forward-thinking approach to their marketing, and they want people who can push the boundaries and really highlight their place in the market.
The role:
Firstly, this is a heavily engineering based business, a minnow of a company in size in comparison to their competitors. But, their size means they are also incredibly agile which means they can often do things quicker and cheaper than those competitors. Primarily, this marketing role is focussed on generating leads for the sales team and that will mainly be content creation and video and also SEO. This could be for socials, websites, case studies or email but it will be innovative and unique content. The MD is more than happy to let you run with your ideas, the only hard and fast rule is that everything must be within the brand framework.
What we’re looking for:
We’re looking for someone with a bit of experience under their belt, mainly because this is a stand alone marketing role and there won’t be anyone internally for you to go to for marketing advice. You’ll need to be creative and you’ll need to have experience of producing both moving and static content for a variety of media. We’re looking for someone who will take the marketing of this company and think, 'this is my baby, I can run with it’, which actually is an incredible opportunity for someone with the right mindset and character. If you rely on someone to give you ideas and a lot of management, this role would not be right for you.
What’s on Offer?
This is a role which offers some flexibility and quite a relaxed working environment. They’re happy for some working from home, but you might also have to travel to customers to film case studies so there’s a bit of give and take. Salary is between £28-30k. You will be provided with some fantastic software, given every access to training courses if required and for the right person this could be a dream role. Get in touch if you think this might be you.