Seeking a Full time or Part time social worker to work with the Eden Short Term and Long Term social work teams
Working with adults over 18yrs, with physical health and cognitive difficulties.
The practitioner would be required to respond to request for Care Act assessments, Mental Capacity assessments, support planning and reviews, including hospital discharge planning, and working alongside health colleagues locally to reduce risk of hospital admissions.
Supervisions are 6x weekly with team manager, peer supervision is facilitated by Advanced Practice Lead team, who also facilitate learning workshops, and practitioner forums. Informal supervision is available in the team via Senior Social Worker daily rota and team huddles, twice a week.
The department is undergoing a restructure currently.
There will be minimal impact on the personnel in the Eden SW team.
From 1.4.25 there will be additional duties including investigating safeguarding episodes, engaging with duty rota and assessing clients discharged from hospital.
Must be on Social Work England