Operations Manager submarine
Ensure all work is programmed and completed within contractually defined timescales.
Assist in monitoring the budgetary expenditure.
Plan and programme the workload to ensure correct job progression.
Ensure all materials and information are available to the operation teams.
Responsible for making sure proper negotiations are completed, accurate estimates provided, and variations and other costs are recovered in line with company procedures and accounts are promptly submitted.
Ensure the Schedule of Rates and other contract requirements are appropriately, correctly and efficiently being used.
Provide technical advice to team leaders, operatives, staff and clients.
Maintain and develop good relationships with existing and potential clients. Preserve and improve Health and Safety standards.
Use information technology systems, communications and equipment, to assist in the monitoring of the daily business operation and performance.
Responsible for the security of workplaces, plant and materials and other equipment allocated for operational requirements.
Additional support is needed within the Customer Liaison Team to provide SSBN and SSN Base maintenance periods the needed stores support and proactive lookahead to prevent stores related delays.
Specifically in relation NATAB support and oversight.
Additional support will enable us to provide the full range of services to all platforms including interrogation of LOG Inventory systems to determine stock availability and demand progression.
Liaising with Ship staff, Maintenance managers to understand the demand requirements. Engaging with Inventory managers to obtain Delivery forecasts for non-available stores for both Maintenance requirements and OPDEFS.
This will provide the flexibility needed to reduce delays to BMP progress and ultimately improve submarine availability and reduce delays to BMP end dates which incur significant costs for each day of delay.
Specifically in relation to alternative procurement and stores support to improve agility of the teams to mitigate emergent demands that cannot be sourced through normal supply chain routes and require bespoke approaches often with delivery windows measure in days.
This will provide the JPT (Joint Project Teams) the flexibility needed to reduce delays to BMP progress and ultimately improve submarine availability and reduce delays to BMP end dates which incur significant costs for each day of delay.
This will improve team cohesion and additional capacity and capability in dealing with stores related issues that arise as part of large engineering projects.
Interpret and analyse data and management information to identify trends, risks, and issues, and provide performance reports as required.
Experience of stakeholder engagement and delivering customer service
Proficiency in the use of Microsoft Office (Outlook, Word, Excel, and Teams)
Demonstrable ability to review and interpret data