Engage Education are pleased to be hiring for Outreach Support Workers for an SEMH School in Huddersfield (HD2).
Schedule: Monday - Friday
Rota: 8:30am - 3pm
Must have: Experience with Children with SEMH, and a Full Driver’s Licence with Business Insurance or be Prepared to Gain This.
Role outline and accountabilitiesThe purpose of this role is to co-ordinate and address the barriers to learning for individual pupils who have social, emotional and mental health needs in order to enable them to make progress according to their learning pathways. You will plan and implement social and emotional and academic support in a range of settings including being off site (e.g. during planned off site activities), at pupils home and at times within a POP hub. You will be expected to work with other support and teaching staff and offer personalised individual strategies and support to help with developing independent living skills, academic progress and social, emotional and mental health needs in order to engage with the learning offer.
Responsibilitiesï‚· Establish, develop and sustain productive working relationships with students, parents andstaff of other schools/agencies acting as a positive role model.
 Collaboratively with the staff team, take responsibility for providing evidence required foryoung people’s case files and progress whilst being involved in planning for next steps of thestudents provision.
ï‚· To build professional and positive relationships with the students you support, with the aim ofaddressing key points defined in their individual action plan and engaging them with activitiesand opportunities.
ï‚· To support visits to college placements, work experience support and onwards destinationsas needed. This may include preparing travel plans and completion of any relevantpaperwork.
ï‚· Where necessary, offer home support or school visits in order to help parents/carers developstrategies, joined up plans to secure positive family support and involvement, and identifyaction plans for next steps.
ï‚· Provide feedback to pupils, schools, parents/carers,and otherrelevant agencies of progress and developments through contribution to regular reviews andmeetings.
 To uphold the school’s ethos and policies at all times.
ï‚· Maintain accurate records and attend meetings to gather and share information wherenecessary.
ï‚· Have an understanding of mental health issues that affect young people and be able to adaptworking practices to each young person.
ï‚· Implement innovative, engaging and stimulating support packages to ensure maximumprogress for each individual young person.
ï‚· Participate in review of systems with colleagues to ensure that interventions and supportpackages are meeting the needs of all learners.
 Emotionally, and at times physically, support students who are dysregulated and in distress,which could at times involve the use of Team Teach techniques adhering to the school’s policies andprocedures.
 To promote and actively support the school’s responsibilities towards mental health and wellbeingof our pupils, your colleagues and your own mental health.
ï‚· To treat all students with dignity, observe proper boundaries and understand that every adultin the academy has a responsibility to safeguard children and young people.
ï‚· To carry out any other duties as requested by your manager; this may include working withlearners on Outreach programmes and/or providing support as a Learning Behaviour Mentorin schools to cover staff absence.
Administration Maintain individual student records as necessary and ensure that they are kept up todate using the school’s Systems.
 Monitor student behaviour, attendance and achievement using the school’s Systems and, inconsultation with key staff, decide on appropriate, interventions and rewards.
 Monitor incidents where students require positive handling and ensure appropriaterecording and reporting takes place in accordance with the school’s policies.
ï‚· Support students with revision and preparation for any end of year assessments at thedirection of instructors or teachers.