Reporting to: Laura Palmer ( HR Manager )
Hours: 15 - 20.00hrs Mon-fri
Holiday:25 days plus bank holidays (pro rata)
Liaison with:HR Manager
- DeliveradministrativesupporttotheHRManagerandLeadershipteam
- Maintainandupdateemployeerecordswithaccuracyandconfidentiality.
- ManagetheHRinboxandrespondtoemployeeinquiriesinatimelyandprofessional manner.
- Supportrecruitmentprocesses,advertisements,scheduleinterviews
- Scheduleandcoordinatemeetings
- Researchandbookandtrainingsessions.
- Supporton-boarding&off-boardingandemployeelife-cycle
- Ensurealladministrationtasksaremettoahighstandard,includingcontracts,lettersandforms
- Absencemonitoring,performreturntoworkinterviews
- MaintainHRsystems
- Recordminutes
- ProvideessentialHRreports
Key Accountabilities:
- Atleast1years experienceinanadministrativerole
- Accuracy
- Attentiontodetail
- Highdegreeofintegrity
- Communicationskills
- MicrosoftOfficeskills,particularlyExcel
- Abletomeetdeadlinestoahighstandard
- Strongethicalstandards
Additional Requirements:
- The above list of responsibilities is not exhaustive and the post holder may be required to carry out such other duties as required from time to time which are broadly consistent with the status of the post within the organisation.
- Ensure customer and Company confidentiality at all times
- Adhere to the Companys Health and Safety Policy at all times
- Provide cover for colleagues as directed by your Line Manager
- All staff are required to undertake training as determined by the Line Manager
- This is a Display Screen Equipment (DSE) user regulated post.
PC Literate; word excel
Basic understanding of HR