- Preparation of annual trust accounts, completion and submission to HMRC of annual tax returns and arranging all the tax payments
- Dealing with the reporting of trusts for CRS, FATCA and the Trust Registration Service and other compliance matters
- Maintaining excellent and up to date records of all trust documents, information and transactions
- Liaising with trustees and beneficiaries of trusts as required and communicating with Partners and fee earners about relevant trusts
- Arranging trust distributions, including working with fee earners at to draft required documents
- Liaising with the commercial property managers, the investment managers and financial advisors concerning the trusts' investments and the preparation of Investment Policy Statements
- Arranging and attending trustees' meetings, preparing reports where required.
- Calculation of tax and completion of IHT forms for ten year anniversary and exit charges
- Good knowledge of trusts and the administration of different types of complex trusts (including those with sub-funds)
- Have had good experience of dealing with trusts receiving rental income associated commercial property expenses
- Good knowledge of all income tax, capital gains tax and inheritance tax
- Good working knowledge of an accounting software package or accounting spreadsheets for tax return preparation
- Excellent communication skills – letter writing and telephone
- Excellent organisational skills
- Knowledge of the working practices within a law or accountancy firm