37 hours full time (One year contract ending 31 March 2026)
TheResponsible officerwillprovideleadership,coachingandmentoringtoateamofCaseManagers / DA Practitioners who deliver domestic abuse interventions to perpetrators. The post holder will ensure practicestandardsareachievedandprovideoversightoncasework.Thepostholderwillalso develop and strengthen working relationships with a variety of partner agencies.
You will also hold a percentage of the caseload (30% approx.), working with perpetrators of domestic abuse whose victims have been identified as high risk at MARAC, to influence attitudinal and behavioural change and effectively manage identified risks to victims and children through robust multi-agency working.
Interagency work
Work to embed the Responsible officer role into multi-agency responses to domesticabuse
in the area.
Deliver domestic abuse interventions with perpetrators of domestic abuse.
Seek to maximise multi-agency activity on complex,stuck and non-directcases.
Creating strong partnership links with local services and also advising and guiding other professionals on domestic abuse.
Effective understanding and implementation of institutional advocacy by pro-socially challenging partner agencies, acknowledging best practice and striving for change to benefit the individual, the service and the sector.
Support other professionals in responding to service users in a way that is coterminous with the aims and ethos of the DAPO Project.
Working closely with other professionals to ensure that risk management and safeguarding duties are effectively met.
Develop and maintain effective partnership working with statutory, private and voluntary agencies to address the issue of domestic abuse.
Report to the police on compliance through a monthly engagement report on the perpetrators attendance and engagement.
Point of contact for the DAPO Triage team.
Report to police/court on the outcome of assessments for suitability and any recommendations for engagement with their programme.
Report non-compliance with a Positive Requirement to police.
Throughout programme attendance, work with case managers and practitioners to monitor compliance, including attendance, behaviour and attitudes
Represent the service at operational multi-agency meetings, feeding back initiatives andoutcomestotheteamandcontributetotheevaluationofthequalityofactivities these services offer.
Provide a single point of proactive and regular contact for a range of professionals involved in the case of the service user.
Be flexible and willing to work in all types ofenvironments.
Work closely with other professionals to ensure that risk management and safeguarding duties are effectively met, through engagement and participation with regular DAPPs.
Represent the service at operational multi-agency meetings, feeding back initiatives andoutcomestotheteamandcontributetotheevaluationofthequalityofactivities these services offerCasemanagement
Undertake initial assessments
Complywithchildprotection,childandadultsafeguarding,andinformation sharing policies,ensuring that service users and colleagues understand and comply with theservices safeguarding framework.
Manage a case load focusing on high-harm, serial perpetrators of domestic abuse to provideanassertive,mediumtolong-termservice,basedonthoroughassessmentand individual support planning that adopts theprinciples of bothSupport(change)or/and
Disrupt(continued offending)concept.
Provide advice, knowledge and share skills in working with domestic abuse and perpetratorswithotherprofessionalstosupporttheirworkalongsideourservice.
Toworkinanintegrativewaywithservicessupportingthevictimtoensureworkwith perpetrators supports the safeguarding and protection of victims and children.
Contributetoregularservicereviewswhichincludemonitoringdata,evaluations,intake and output policy, and practice and work-load reviews for the whole service.
Attend regular case management meeting with the ServiceManager.
Attend regular clinical supervision.
Take appropriate steps to protect where there is an imminent risk to anotherperson.
Providelinemanagementsupervision,caseoversight,andsupporttopractitionerswithin the Drive Project team.