Due to continued growth and success, this friendly professional and caring IFA practice is looking for an experienced Paraplanner to work alongside the Financial Planners taking full responsibility for preparation and maintenance of client files,preparationandimplementationofrecommendationsandFinancialPlans(includingcashflowforecasts), and ongoing reviews of client affairs. To keep up to date with technical issues, undertake necessary research and create and prepare technical suitability reports in line with recommendations.
- Establishandbuildstrongrelationshipswithclients,attendingclientmeetingswhenrequired. Provide a friendly and professional point of contact for clients and enquiries.
- Respondtoclienttechnicalenquiries.
- Ensurecompletenessofclientfile/datagathering.
- Confirmriskprofileandvulnerabilityassessmentsaredeterminedanduptodate.
- Checkallcompliancedocumentationispresentandrelevantcompliancerequirementshave been adhered to to.
- LiaisewithClientServicesTeamtomaintainaccurateclientrecordsontheback-officesystem, platforms and any other IT systems e.g., cashflow and risk profiler
- Identifyandobtaininformationnecessarytocompileclientrecommendations/cashflowforecasts. Compile draft net worth statements, income and expenditure statements and financial cash flow forecasts for review by Financial Planner
- Identify areas for planning. Carryouttechnicalcalculations.
- Carry out due diligence on products, investments, providers etc. Undertakeresearchtoidentifysuitablesolutionstomeetclients’needs. Prepare information/comparisons for analysis by Financial Planner.
- Liaisewithclients’legalandtaxadvisers(ifapplicable).
- Considercurrentandfutureassetallocationforinvestmentstrategyinrelationtoclientriskprofiles and lifetime cash flows.
- Produceclear,technicallyaccurate,compliant,andconciseFinancialPlansandSuitabilityReportsas per business process.
- Ensurethatallrecommendationsandreportsmeetlegalandregulatoryrequirements. Make changes to clients’ investments as necessary.
- Ensureagreedactionpointsgetdiarised,actioned,andcompletedasperbusinessprocess.
- Liaise with administration team to process recommendations as per business process; assist when needed
- Prepareandcoordinatereviewdocumentation,includingfinancialplanandportfolioreviewasper the Annual Review Process
- Reviewinvestmentportfolios,assetallocations,riskprofilesetc. Carry out technical calculations.
- Implementagreedactionspostreview. Attend client meetings when required
- Generalresearchrelatedtoallaspectsoffinancialplanning(e.g.,productandplatformresearch) Keep up to date with compliance changes and update templates.
- Prepareandcollatedocumentationneededforinvestmentcommitteemeetings. Ensure CPD requirements are met and maintain up-to-date training records.
- Assistyourcolleagueswithtechnicalenquiriesandprovidesupportwhenneeded.
- Other duties when required
Person criteria:
- Experienced and qualified "Career Paraplanner", minimum requirement Diploma Level 4
- Friendly team player
- Professional with excellent communication skills
- Comfortable attending client meetings
- Experience of Intelliflo or similar; able to learn a new system with ease
Additional information:
- Based in Sevenoaks - (after 3 months, 1 day per week working from home)
- Salary: £40-45k (diploma qualified), £45-50k (chartered)
- 9am-5pm (10am start on Monday, 4pm finish on a Friday)
- Standard workplace pension
- £500 wellbeing allowance
- 26 days holiday, plus bank holidays, plus birthday + 1 day extra at Christmas (office closed)
- Salary sacrifice (support if purchasing electric car)
- Study support (materials paid for, exam paid for, 1.5 days study leave)
- Recruitment process: 1 telephone conversation, 2 face-to-face interviews