We have 50 Advanced Nurse Practitioner jobs in Hazleton, PA that you can apply with just one click.
Job Title: Clinical Team Coordinator Registered Nurse- Advanced Acute Care Surgical Telemetry Unit Location: Wilkes-Bar...
Wilkes Barre
9 days ago
Job Title: RN- Registered Nurse- Advanced Acute Care Oncology Unit- Henry Cancer Center Location: Wilkes-Barre, Pennsyl...
2 days ago
Job Title: RN- Registered Nurse- Advanced Acute Care Trauma Unit Location: Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania Job Category: In...
Are you happy with these job recommendations?
Job Title: RN-Registered Nurse- Advanced Acute Care Surgical Telemetry Unit Location: Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania Job C...
Job Title: RN- Registered Nurse- Advanced Acute Care Orthopedic Trauma Unit Location: Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania Job C...
Job Title: RN - Registered Nurse - Advanced Acute Care Medical Telemetry Trauma Float - GWV Location: Wilkes-Barre, Pen...
Geisinger Home Health
We are hiring for a Full Time Home Health Licensed Practical Nurse to join our team in Plains, PA! Â We serve patients t...
a day ago
We are hiring for a Full Time Home Health Licensed Practical Nurse to join our team in Hazle Township, PA! At Geisinge...
Job Title: RN - Registered Nurse - Cardiac Catherization Location: Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania Job Category: RN - Regis...